Aim of the course
To provide participants with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes required to become a confident and effective instructor as per CATC Training Instructors Manual.
Course fee : TZS 2,000,000
Pre-entry requirements
- Minimum age: 18 years.
- Education or Qualification Requirements: Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination, (ACSEE) or equivalent
- Medical requirements: Nil.
- Linguistic requirements: Fluent in English Language.
Credits for previous knowledge, experience or other qualifications.
Aviation industry experience of at least three years
Course Contents (Theoretical training and practical skills)
You will acquire knowledge, principles, ideas and practical skills on instructional techniques through the following modules;
- Instructors role’s and responsibility
- Principles of learning and instruction
- How to organize a course
- Preparation of facilities and equipment
- Overview of course development and objectives
- Effective training techniques
- Tests
- Managing individualized instruction
- Conducting group instruction
- Presenting materials/discussion
- Assessment of performance
- Feedback and schedule adjustment
Who should attend
Aspirants of becoming instructor and is subject matter expert.
2 Weeks