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Showing 1-20 of 20 items.
Instructor Training Course (ITC) Click to View Details

Aim of the course

To provide participants with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes required to become a confident and effective instructor as per CATC Training Instructors Manual.

Course fee : TZS 2,000,000

Pre-entry requirements

- Minimum age: 18 years.

- Education or Qualification Requirements: Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination, (ACSEE) or equivalent

- Medical requirements: Nil.

- Linguistic requirements: Fluent in English Language.

Credits for previous knowledge, experience or other qualifications.

Aviation industry experience of at least three years

Course Contents (Theoretical training and practical skills)

You will acquire knowledge, principles, ideas and practical skills on instructional techniques through the following modules;

- Instructors role’s and responsibility

- Principles of learning and instruction

- How to organize a course

- Preparation of facilities and equipment

- Overview of course development and objectives

- Effective training techniques

- Tests

- Managing individualized instruction

- Conducting group instruction

- Presenting materials/discussion

- Assessment of performance

- Feedback and schedule adjustment

Who should attend

Aspirants of becoming instructor and is subject matter expert.


2 Weeks

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On the Job Training Instructors (OJTI) Click to View Details

Aim of the course

The course is designed to provide trainee with basic technical knowledge on how to prepare and conduct onsite training.

Pre-entry requirements

- Minimum age: 21 years.

- Education or Qualification Requirements: Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) with passes in Physics and Mathematics.

- Medical requirements : Nil.

- Linguistic requirements: Fluent in English Language.

Credits for previous knowledge, experience or other qualifications.

Aviation industry experience of at least three years

Course Contents (Theoretical training and practical skills)

You will acquire knowledge, principles, ideas and practical skills on how to prepare and conduct onsite training through the following modules;

- Training needs identification

- Curriculum design

- Module planning

- Material production

- Scheduling and preparing for OJT

- Performance evaluation

- OJT programme validation

- Maintaining training records and reports

Who should attend

Subject mastery in the respective field.


2 Weeks

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Training Developers Course(TDC) -ICAO Click to View Details

Aim of the course

Training Developers Course (TDC) provides civil aviation course developers with knowledge, skills and attitudes to design and develop Standardized Training Packages (STPs), in accordance with the ICAO Doc 9941, Training Development Guide, Competency-based training methodology.

Pre-entry requirements

- Minimum age: 18 years.

- Education or Qualification Requirements: Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination, (ACSEE) or equivalent

- Medical requirements: Nil.

- Linguistic requirements: Fluent in English Language.

Course Contents (Theoretical training and practical skills)

You will acquire knowledge, principles, ideas and practical skills to design and develop Standardized Training Packages and be able to:-

- Conduct a preliminary study;

- Conduct a job analysis;

- Conduct a population analysis;

- Design the curriculum;

- Design the modules;

- Establish validity and reliability of tests;

- Establish validity of a training course.

Who should attend

Civil aviation course developers who wish to develop competency-based training courses


2 Weeks

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Training Instructors Course (TIC) - ICAO Click to View Details

Aim of the course

The ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS TIC is a two-part course that will enable participants to methodically conduct training courses in accordance with ICAO Instructor Competency Framework and develop the required training strategies for course delivery. The TIC will train instructors to deliver STPs, based on the TRAINAIR PLUS methodology, as well as conventional courses. For TIC–Part 1 (online) registration, participants are requested to register through the ICAO online store. Please see link under Online Course Registration below.

Learning Objectives:

- Prepare a training environment including facilities, equipment and instructional material;

- Manage the trainees by using effective training strategies;

- Conduct training with a variety of instructional methods as required for the training;

- Perform trainee assessments appropriately, objectively, and correctly; and

- Perform course evaluations effectively.

Who should attend

- Pre-service and in-service instructors with little or no formal training background;

- Aviation training instructors and aviation professionals who are dedicated to the implementation of competency-based training programmes;

- Subject matter experts and specialists who wish to upgrade their instructional competencies; and

- Current instructors who wish to refresh and upgrade their trainer competencies.


5 Days

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SMS for Practitioners (ICAO - Virtual Class) Click to View Details

SMS Online is pre-requisite to this class.

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Dangerous Goods Using Technical Instruction for Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (DGUTI)- ICAO Click to View Details

This course provides State employees with the knowledge and skills required to determine when a consignment of dangerous goods is classified, packed, marked, labelled, documented, accepted, handled and transported in accordance with Annex 18 and the Technical Instructions.

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Aim of the Course

This course provides On-the-Job Training (OJT) instructors with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes required to effectively conduct OJT programs in accordance with the requirements stipulated in ICAO Doc 9941, Annex 1, and Doc 9868.

Pre-entry Requireme

Minimum Age: 18 Years

Linguistic Requirement:

 Fluent in English language

Course Contents:

Module 0: Introduction

Module 1: Identifying Training Needs

Module 2: Planning OJT Sessions

Module 3: Conducting OJT

Module 4: Assessing Trainee's Performance

Module 5: Evaluating OJT

Who should Attend:

Ab initio and current on-the Job Training (OJT) Instructors;


Line managers

 Classroom Instructors

 Course Developers (ISD Specialists)

 Training Managers


5 Days

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Virtual Classroom Instructions - ICAO Click to View Details

Aim of The Course

The ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS Virtual Classroom Instruction (VCI) course provides instructors with the competencies required to deliver online courses, supporting the transition from teaching in a classroom to managing instruction within a virtual classroom.

Pre-entry Requirement:

Be an instructor with at least 3 years of instructional experience within the last 5 years

Minimu Age: 18 Years

Linguistic Requirement:

Fluent in English language

Course Contents:

prepare for a virtual classroom delivery

manage learning activities in a virtual classroom

deliver instruction effectively in a virtual classroom 

Who should attend.

ICAO qualified instructors who plan to deliver virtual classroom courses.

Instructors in any training organization who plan to deliver virtual classroom courses.


1 Day

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International Air Law (IAL EN) -Virtual Click to View Details

To enable representatives of Civil Aviation Administrations, Civil Aviation Authorities, Airports and Air Navigation Service Providers to support their organization in compliance with international air law, through application of appropriate knowledge and advocacy

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1. ICAO Government Safety Inspector Operations – Air Operator Certification (GSI OP... ITP/FSM/GSI OPS/005EN Click to View Details

Course Goal

The Government Safety Inspector (GSI) Operations – Air Operator Certification (OPS) Course was developed as a collaborative effort between the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in order to provide operations, airworthiness, and personnel licensing aviation safety inspectors, on a worldwide basis, with uniform skills and knowledge to conduct specific safety oversight functions. This 14-days course, designed for operations inspectors, covers the basic concepts and steps involved in certificating an air transport operator. Participants will be taught the five-phase certification process based upon ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and Model Civil Aviation Regulations (MCARs).

Who should attend(Target population)

Aviation Safety Inspectors tasked with certification of air operators.

       Participants can register at this address  https://igat.icao.int/tpems/CourseRegistration?TrainingSessionId=13711

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Training Instructors Course (TIC ) Click to View Details

COURSE :Training Instructors Course (TIC

DATE:6-10 May


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State Safety Programme (SSP) Click to View Details

COURSE :State Safety Programme (SSP)

DATE:23-30 September


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International Air law Click to View Details

COURSE :International Air law

DATE:24-28 June



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ICAO GSI - PEL Click to View Details


DATE:15 July -2 August


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Training Development Course (TDC) Click to View Details

COURSE :Training Development Course (TDC)

DATE:2-13 Sept


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TDC Virtual Classroom Click to View Details

COURSE :TDC Virtual Classroom

DATE:09-20 Sept


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ICAO GSI - Air Operators Cert Click to View Details

COURSE :ICAO GSI - Air Operators Cert

DATE:23 Sep - 10 Oct, 2024


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Safety Management for Practitioners Click to View Details

COURSE :Safety Management for Practitioners

DATE:09-13 Sep


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State Safety Programme (SSP) NEW Click to View Details

COURSE :State Safety Programme (SSP)

DATE:30 Sep-04 Oct


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International Air law NEW Click to View Details

COURSE :International Air law 

DATE:14-18 Oct


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